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Alt 23.01.2011, 01:10
Benutzerbild von drave110
drave110 drave110 ist offline
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Boot: Silentcraft 50 PS,Sunbird SPL 150,Zeepter 330
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i have a 3,30 inflatable with a 5 hp Suzuki from 89 it makes 26 kmh its no problem on German Rivers,Lakes and on the sea (Neustädter Bucht )it was no problem

Gruß Dave
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Alt 23.01.2011, 06:03
Benutzerbild von joschka
joschka joschka ist offline
Fleet Captain
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Ort: Esslingen am Neckar
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Boot: Charterer
986 Danke in 491 Beiträgen

Hi again!

I payed about 500 Euros for BOTH Licenses - River/Lake AND Sea last Jear. It should be possible to reach one License for about 250-300 Euros.

The answers are inside the book - thats true.

Grüsse aus dem Süden!

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Alt 23.01.2011, 06:24
Benutzerbild von Larson180Sport
Larson180Sport Larson180Sport ist offline
Registriert seit: 17.05.2008
Ort: Eibelstadt
Beiträge: 208
Boot: Larson 180 BR
Rufzeichen oder MMSI: "Weg!"
1.538 Danke in 506 Beiträgen

Hi there,

since you were able to read the post from Gregor in German, I believe you do understand enough of our language to take the test for both the inland and the offshore license.
Maybe you need a little more preparation than the average German, but after all it's not rocket-science!

The license is not as expensive as you were told. I believe for a thousand Euros you can get both the inland and sea license including all expenses and fees along with some extra books to study.
Also there are a few good websites where you can practice the test and learn to write the correct answers in proper German.

The advantage of taking the tests is simply the fact that you get familiar with all the regulations and all the signs used. So regardless whether you are used to drive boats or not, the licene will give you good knowledge of how others behave and react on the water

Plus you will be able to legally drive larger boats and engines providing more fun, more comfort, more feibility and more safety.

I know that compared to the US it is much more hazzle to legally own and ride a boat over here and it's even more expensive too.

But if you intend to spent a few thousands for a boat, engine, fishing equipment and so on, you might as well get the license along.


Gruß vom Main
.................................................. .................................................. ..........
Wer nach allen Seiten offen ist, kann nicht ganz dicht sein...
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Alt 23.01.2011, 10:47
Benutzerbild von Dicke Lippe
Dicke Lippe Dicke Lippe ist offline
Fleet Admiral
Registriert seit: 09.06.2007
Ort: in der Pellenz
Beiträge: 7.991
Boot: 38' Stahleigenbau
Rufzeichen oder MMSI: DC8737 / 211717790
25.118 Danke in 8.876 Beiträgen

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Aber jetzt zu lesen, dass wir in Deutschland nur reißende Ströme haben ...

Wo hast du denn das gelesen?

Ich glaube hier:

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I think you won't have much fun with such a boat on any German river. The flow is to high. ...
Mit einer kleinen Motorisierung merkt man halt, dass man im Wasser manövriert, dafür ist der Motor allemale ausreichend, dass das Wasser gleichzeitig eine Eigengeschwindigkeit hat ist zweitrangig. Die maximale Geschwindigkeit im Wasser ist immer gleichhoch, nur bewegt sich flussaufwärts die Landschaft wesentlich langsamer.

Der Verbrauch war in einer Stunde Vollast gegenan genau so hoch wie in einer Stunde Vollast mit dem Strom. Ich will mit so einem Boot doch nur auf dem Wasser sein und nicht jeden Tag 20km zur Arbeit fahren.

Der Vorteil wenn man sich zunächst den Berg hochquält, ist der Gleiche wie beim Fahrrad, fahre ich danach wieder runter, komme ich fast in einen Geschwindigkeitsrausch. (Oder lass mich treiben und spare halt Sprit.)

Außerdem ist immer noch die Frage wie schnell der TS mit der Boots-Motor-Kombi überhaupt ist.

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Alt 23.01.2011, 11:09
Benutzerbild von chris24
chris24 chris24 ist offline
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The flow is to high to have much fun:
Die Strömung ist zu hoch, um viel Spaß zu haben.

Damit ist aber nicht gesagt worden, dass es in DE nur reißende Flüsse gibt.

Ansichtssache, für mich würde der Preis nicht in Relation zum Nutzen stehen, wenn man damit bergauf nicht wesentlich vom Fleck kommt.

Never change a running system -->

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Alt 23.01.2011, 11:55
Benutzerbild von viking22
viking22 viking22 ist offline
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Registriert seit: 16.12.2003
Ort: Unterfranken
Beiträge: 1.169
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Rufzeichen oder MMSI: ORCA
966 Danke in 487 Beiträgen

Here is a price-list from our boatshool.
Gruß Sepp

Vorsicht, lesen gefährdet die Dummheit!!!

Navigation ist --- Punkte und Orte wieder zu erkennen, die man vorher noch nie gesehen hat.
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Alt 23.01.2011, 12:02
Benutzerbild von Dicke Lippe
Dicke Lippe Dicke Lippe ist offline
Fleet Admiral
Registriert seit: 09.06.2007
Ort: in der Pellenz
Beiträge: 7.991
Boot: 38' Stahleigenbau
Rufzeichen oder MMSI: DC8737 / 211717790
25.118 Danke in 8.876 Beiträgen

Zitat von chris24 Beitrag anzeigen
Ansichtssache, für mich würde der Preis nicht in Relation zum Nutzen stehen, wenn man damit bergauf nicht wesentlich vom Fleck kommt.
Tja, ohne Führerschein fährst du doch ohnehin nicht. Mit 5PS kommt man, aus dieser Sicht heraus, doch ohnehin nicht wesentlich vom Fleck....

Wenn man den Rhein schon mal aufwärts gepaddelt ist und kann sich dann stattdessen mit so einem Motor einfach zurück lehnen, dann ist das schon der pure Luxus und Luxus macht Spaß.

Wenn ich Viele mit Ihrem V8 den ganzen Tag am Moselstausee vor Anker liegen sehe, weil der Sprit ach so teuer ist, .... wo ist da denn der Nutzen?

Ha! Da bewegt sich die Landschaft gar nicht. Wenn man sie aber abends hört, waren sie den ganzen Tag auf dem Wasser und hatten einen super tollen Tag auf dem Wahnsinns-Boot.

Dann lieber ein kleines Boot mit kleinem Motor, aber den ganzen Tag in Bewegung, langsam zwar, aber unterwegs. Man sieht wesentlich mehr, als beim Ankern. Sonnen kann man sich dabei doch auch, ist halt alles eine Ansichtssache.

Zum Beispiel, eine schöne Tour mit einem solchen Boot:

In Güls ins Wasser, durch die Sportbootschleuse ans deutsche Eck, dann rheinaufwärts am Ufer vorbei, gegen die Strömung kämpfen bis zur Lahn, in der Haifischbar einen schönen Kaffee und retour. Mit 5PS fast tagfüllend, mit meiner Pearl in einer Stunde erledigt, Spaß macht aber beides.

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Alt 23.01.2011, 15:47
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
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Ort: MA
Beiträge: 95
15 Danke in 7 Beiträgen

Zitat von PderSkipper Beitrag anzeigen
Sollte kein Problem sein, sie hat ja die dicke Lippe auch verstanden.


Here is another ausgewanderter Halbyank.

The foreigners always learn the dicke lippe first before real German, so yes, I understaood. I can read it but not write it very well. Will start more classes at the end of Feb, so then I can also talk in dicke lippe HAHAHAH
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Alt 23.01.2011, 16:03
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
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Hi, I was not sure if I will be welcomed so I didnt tell my name, usually on forums I dont but I guess I can here? Anne Marie is my name and I am glad you are also female. But the guys seems friendly also I will buy the book or borrow it off someone and learn the thing, but I doubt I can man age it before I leave for France.

I wont take this little thing out to sea but in the sheltered Bays. Like Bay of Biscay off Brest, that is a very sheltered big harbor with many inlets for quiet boating. I am thinking also to take a little practical lesson from some boat school here around Mannheim just to make me not be so scared of these waters. Lakes in the USA are massive bodies of water and I had no problems, also jet skiing as well, but this is a different story these rivers. I came here for advice and I am getting it, and belive me. I will listen to everybody and their opinions as well as their warnings.
thanks AM but I do like the name zodiac as well

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Hello Hohensteinchen
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THANK you for such a warm and sweet welcome. Thanks for all the nice information. . I am a female by the way, yes, females do like these things too


Hi zodiac ( or however your name is...???), I am a female too and I am happy that with you the female fraction in this forum is increasing enormously.
We are very very very few here ...

As to your question concerning the license I can only recommend you to have a look into the questions which you can find in the internet - the link has been published here some answers before.

And then you will find out if your German knowledge is sufficient to be able to pass the theoretic part of the exam.

The practical one is no problem, but the theoretical one is not that easy . There are a lot of silly questions which are purely theoretic and difficult to learn because there is nothing to understand using your brain but you have to learn them by heart.
Approx. 470 questions but there are only about 100 which are really necessary and useful. The rest is , imho, rubbish .

So if you have the impression that you can get on with your German language knowledges then just buy the book, lean back in a comfortable fireside chair, learn the content and then sign up for the exam.

I don't remember what the book costs, I think it was approx. 20 Euro, and I also do not remember the fees for the exam but it was really not expensive.

If you already have practise in sailing a boat you will easily pass the practical exam. I would just take 1 or 2 hours of practice in a boat school so you will know what the examiners want to see. ( Man over bord, stopping, going alsongside etc.)

And then you will be able to use a reasonable engine without depending on current and wind !

Kind regards from Jutta
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Alt 23.01.2011, 16:07
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
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Ort: MA
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15 Danke in 7 Beiträgen

Hi Oliver, thanks for your detailed answer. Can you provide me the link to the place on the net that will have those questions so I can practice them? You are right, I will like to have the license but not sure I can manage that before summer, I will try, but at least I can at least learn some signs and safety tips before going out there. I intended on using the Neckar river as a practice base to familiarize myself with the boat etc. But doing some reading will also help me. I can read German but not 100%, I will say about 65% with the help of a dictionary? Basic every day German I know to read but techincal things I need help and translation programs to help me. Thanks for the tips

Zitat von Larson180Sport Beitrag anzeigen
Hi there,

since you were able to read the post from Gregor in German, I believe you do understand enough of our language to take the test for both the inland and the offshore license.
Maybe you need a little more preparation than the average German, but after all it's not rocket-science!

The license is not as expensive as you were told. I believe for a thousand Euros you can get both the inland and sea license including all expenses and fees along with some extra books to study.
Also there are a few good websites where you can practice the test and learn to write the correct answers in proper German.

The advantage of taking the tests is simply the fact that you get familiar with all the regulations and all the signs used. So regardless whether you are used to drive boats or not, the licene will give you good knowledge of how others behave and react on the water

Plus you will be able to legally drive larger boats and engines providing more fun, more comfort, more feibility and more safety.

I know that compared to the US it is much more hazzle to legally own and ride a boat over here and it's even more expensive too.

But if you intend to spent a few thousands for a boat, engine, fishing equipment and so on, you might as well get the license along.


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Alt 23.01.2011, 16:12
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
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But why is it if the water is high its not fun? I dont intend to go speeding. I just want to piddle around ont he water and throw out a line or two and relax. I dont want to go wakeboarding or fast boating just slow and fun. I have two little dogs 2 kilos I cant go fast they may fly out the boat.

But I dont undestand about the water being too high, what does the fullness or height of the water has to do with it? is there more current when the water is too high on a German river?

Zitat von chris24 Beitrag anzeigen
The flow is to high to have much fun:
Die Strömung ist zu hoch, um viel Spaß zu haben.

Damit ist aber nicht gesagt worden, dass es in DE nur reißende Flüsse gibt.

Ansichtssache, für mich würde der Preis nicht in Relation zum Nutzen stehen, wenn man damit bergauf nicht wesentlich vom Fleck kommt.
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Alt 23.01.2011, 16:21
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
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Howdy, which ocean did you go on and how far from the coast? Is your 3,30 looking very KLEIN im Wasser? Does your little boat look very small in the water. I need to know which part of the sea you went and how far off the coast and what currents did you encounter while boating?
Zodie I really do like the name zodie

Zitat von drave110 Beitrag anzeigen
i have a 3,30 inflatable with a 5 hp Suzuki from 89 it makes 26 kmh its no problem on German Rivers,Lakes and on the sea (Neustädter Bucht )it was no problem
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Alt 23.01.2011, 17:35
laufkatze laufkatze ist offline
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Hi Anne Marie,

I don´t know where in Mannheim you are based but Lampertheim for example is just arround the corner. There is a boat dealer and a school where you can make a license for the rivers or the sea.
Also in Lampertheim there is a side arm of the rhine river where you can drive arround with your 5 PS boat.

Also you can search at google earth for some nice places to drive arround. e.g. Reffenthal
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Alt 23.01.2011, 18:30
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
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Hi luftkatze
Thanks for the information on Lampertheim. Is that near Ikea and Sanhöffen? I can take a run up there this week and check them out. Do you know the exact name of the place so i can look it up? I am terrible with googling

Also, I need to know where I can find online a map or a chart of boating regulations like signs, similar to on the road when you drive well for the sea. thanks a million
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Alt 23.01.2011, 21:21
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
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I am back to my decision, I will take the course but I need to know from someone if there is a book I can buy ahead. ONe of the boat school instructors told me he will call the commission to find out if I can take the coure and examination in English, if not if someone can sit with me to translate the questions.

What about the Ocean part of the examination, how difficult is this? Does it entail a lot of math? Do you have to learn Law of the Sea as in long documents to study? Danke

Geändert von zodiac340m (24.01.2011 um 19:07 Uhr)
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Alt 08.02.2011, 19:36
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zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
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Hi, I have been busy. Well i called the various boating commissions in BW and they actually told me where I can FIND the exams and questions for FREE on the internet. I have printed them out, but jeeze, those are difficult. they said I must learn all cuz I dont knwo which will show up on the exam.

with regards to the Fürherschein See, are they asking a lot of navigational questions like the mathametical ones? Or are they mostly asking about channel markers etc? Just as an average more or less?
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Alt 08.02.2011, 21:49
Benutzerbild von T.R.
T.R. T.R. ist offline
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Ort: Oberasbach b. Nürnberg
Beiträge: 1.327
Boot: Bis 07.2016 eine Rio Onda 500 (Suzuki DF70) dann aus Altersgründen verkauft
949 Danke in 544 Beiträgen

Hi "zodiac340m",

by the way, we usually mention our real christian name, so we can address each other in a "normal" manner and "zodiac340m" seems to be a little bit a funny name!
Now first to answer the second part of your last question:
The navigational questions are not so thorough or rigid, so keep calm! All you got to do is memorize e.g. the channel markers and so on. Mathematical questions are not so often, so don't panic!

You've met us "fxxxing" Germans already, so you're unfortunately forced to learn those questions/answers by heart!
I'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll be lucky and those officials accept your problems with the German language and will not act as rigid as usual!

Grüße Thomas
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Alt 08.02.2011, 23:20
Benutzerbild von Hohensteinchen
Hohensteinchen Hohensteinchen ist offline
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Boot: Relcraft Topaz BJ 1980, heisst Barbarken II. Fotos im Album. ( Von Barbarken I, 1927, auch).
1.396 Danke in 467 Beiträgen

Hi Anne Marie,
just two words, I cross my fingers that you will manage these exams.
You will notice that 80 % of the questions are really not useful for later on but unfortunately there is no way to avoid this exam.
Just learn as much as possible by heart , forget these 80 % afterwards and then get some practical lessons by a sailor with experience on the rivers/ regions you want to go.

Sincerely Jutta
Herzliche Grüße von Jutta
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Alt 09.02.2011, 09:49
Benutzerbild von miki
miki miki ist offline
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Ort: Norddeutschland/ ansonsten mit Boot auf der Ostsee
Beiträge: 1.763
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3.038 Danke in 824 Beiträgen

Hi Anne Marie,

I have something usefull, I could send to you - you will get an PN from me

Greetings Kim
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Alt 09.02.2011, 10:08
Benutzerbild von bayliner2655_KN
bayliner2655_KN bayliner2655_KN ist offline
Registriert seit: 03.05.2010
Ort: Schwarzwald/Bodensee
Beiträge: 572
Boot: Bayliner 2655
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Hi Anne Marie
Another opportunity for you would be to pass your exam at the lake of constance.
Since your are living in Mannheim it won´t be that far to get there.
The advantage is that you will have the special permission of the lake of contance called "Bodenseeschifferpatent". With this permission you can easily apply for the German Binnen liscense without taking another exam. So you have two liscenses in one step. With taking an extra navigation course you safe the practical "Sea" exam.
The exam at the lake of constance is not that difficult. They teach you a lot about the nature and the lake itself. Well, I managed it so you can manage it either.
Just let me know if you are interested in getting some more information.
Man fährt kein Boot um anzukommen.
Wer ein Boot fährt, ist schon angekommen!
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Alt 09.02.2011, 15:33
Benutzerbild von Holger
Holger Holger ist offline
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hi zodiac,
i would recommend you have a look at the local power boat or sailing clubs. very often, this clubs offer lessons for the power boat license during the off-season time. the advantages are
- the costs are significant lower than the commercial schools
- you will meet people which have the same hobby in a cosy atmoshere
- you can get copies of the questionaire for the final exam and have the text translated if necessary.

the practical test is extremely easy, absolutely no problem if you did some boating before.

just in case there is an us-installation nearby, check if they have some kind of sports club for further info. mybe they have a boating section...

jack of all trades - master of none
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Alt 10.02.2011, 09:32
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bayliner2655_KN bayliner2655_KN ist offline
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Ort: Schwarzwald/Bodensee
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Boot: Bayliner 2655
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Zitat von hopfemike Beitrag anzeigen
Ich bitte euch der kann doch kein Deutsch schreibt Bitte Englisch

und wer kein Englisch kann,
schreibt Bitte

I understand just train-station
ich versteh nur bahnhof

sorry, my english is under all pig
entschuldige, mein englisch ist unter aller sau

I think I spider
ich glaub ich spinne

the devil will i do
den teufel werd ich tun

my lovely mister singing club
mein lieber herr gesangsverein

come on…jump over your shadow
komm schon…spring über deinen schatten

you walk me animally on the cookie
du gehts mir tierisch auf den keks

there my hairs stand up to the mountain
da stehen mir die haare zu berge

tell me nothing from the horse
erzähl mir keinen vom pferd

it’s not good cherry-eating with you
es ist nicht gut kirschen essen mit dir

now it goes around the sausage
jetzt geht’s um die wurst

there you on the woodway
da bist du auf dem holzweg

I hold it in head not out
ich halt’s im kopf nicht aus

I see black for you
ich seh schwarz für dich

your are so a fear-rabbit
du bist so ein angsthase

are you save?
bist du sicher?

give not so on
gib nicht so an

heaven, ass and thread!
Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn!

Human Meier
Mensch Meier

you have not more all cups in the board
du hast nicht mehr alle tassen im schrank

she had a circleroundbreakdown
sie hatte einen kreislaufzusammenbruch

I know me here out
ich kenn mich hier aus

I fall from all clouds
ich fiel aus allen Wolken

no one can reach me the water
niemand kann mir das wasser reichen

not the yellow of the egg
nicht das gelbe vom ei

everything in the green area
alles im grünen bereich

I die for Blackforrestcherrycake
Ich sterbe für Schwarzwälderkirschtorte

it walks me icecold the back down
es läuft mir eiskalt den rücken runter

I’m foxdevilswild
ich bin fuchsteufelswild

now you look but silly out of the clothes
Jetzt schaust Du aber dumm aus der Wäsche

Gruß Michael

My lovely Mr singing it´s chaired.
(mein lieber Hr. Gesangsverein, jetzt isch gschdulet"
Man fährt kein Boot um anzukommen.
Wer ein Boot fährt, ist schon angekommen!
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Alt 10.02.2011, 21:33
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
Registriert seit: 22.01.2011
Ort: MA
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Zitat von T.R. Beitrag anzeigen
Hi "zodiac340m",

by the way, we usually mention our real christian name, so we can address each other in a "normal" manner and "zodiac340m" seems to be a little bit a funny name!
Now first to answer the second part of your last question:
The navigational questions are not so thorough or rigid, so keep calm! All you got to do is memorize e.g. the channel markers and so on. Mathematical questions are not so often, so don't panic!

You've met us "fxxxing" Germans already, so you're unfortunately forced to learn those questions/answers by heart!
I'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll be lucky and those officials accept your problems with the German language and will not act as rigid as usual!


Hi T, if you scroll backwards you will see my real christian name aint gonna tell go read and you will find it.
So you aer saying out of 362 effing questions and all those long winded bullshit stuff they have there, not all of that will actually come in the exam? Are the exams randomly picked or they are more or less the same or same ole types of Q's coming up over and over again? Not exact questions but more or less in the same category? All the math and charting are not reall yon there? The commission said 30 questions come out of 362. Most then are channel markers? If so that is not difficult for me, what is complicated are the terms used in German. Lights and size of boats and markers are not going to be hard. But I am just wondering if I really have to know all 362 by heart Do you have the book or something?

Geändert von zodiac340m (10.02.2011 um 21:42 Uhr)
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Alt 10.02.2011, 21:36
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zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
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Zitat von Hohensteinchen Beitrag anzeigen
Hi Anne Marie,
just two words, I cross my fingers that you will manage these exams.
You will notice that 80 % of the questions are really not useful for later on but unfortunately there is no way to avoid this exam.
Just learn as much as possible by heart , forget these 80 % afterwards and then get some practical lessons by a sailor with experience on the rivers/ regions you want to go.

Sincerely Jutta

Hi Jutta

But I still have to cram in my brain all of the questions? I know a lot wont be used, that is exactly what I told my husband. Its like who the hell out there is measuring every single boat in terms of how many nautical meters or what ever is passing to their port or starboard? and I am also wondering how many people on the sea actually remember all that stuff? I thiknk the most important is the rules of the road, navi and safety, that is in my honest opinion. But as you say, i still gotta to learn all the crap. can you imagine me memorizing stuff I dont even know what the hell i am memorizing
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Alt 10.02.2011, 21:37
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Hi Anne Marie,

I have something usefull, I could send to you - you will get an PN from me

Greetings Kim

I wrote you back with some long winded stuff
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